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The Guardian of the Water Temple is a young human female who looks suspiciously familiar, but alone, she realises that she's not much of a match for anyone who'd want to challenge her for the Crystal, so she has help from her loyal steed, which is a... uh... I have no idea what it is. But she's had it as a pet since they were both small.

Encyclopaedia description

Water Guardian is an enemy in MARDEK.


The Water Guardian looks like Emela Andra Wu-Jardu. She wears an all blue outfit and wields a Sage's Wand.

Her steed appears to be an amalgam of aquatic species, mostly made of a crab/lobster and a leafy sea dragon. Judging by the description, it is likely that Pseudolonewolf never actually came up with a name for it.



Main form[]


WeaponSage's Wand
Accessory (1)none
Accessory (2)none


Sage's Wand+2
Sage's Wand=10
EVA (%)
Critical (%)
Sage's Wand+5

Elemental resistance

Fire Fire (%)
Water Water (%)
Air Air (%)
Earth Earth (%)
Light Light (%)
Dark Dark (%)
Aether Aether (%)
Fig Fig (%)
Physical Physical (%)
Thauma Thauma (%)

Status resistance

Poison Poison (%)
Paralysis Paralysis (%)
Numbness Numbness (%)
Silence Silence (%)
Curse Curse (%)
Confusion Confusion (%)
Sleep Sleep (%)
Blindness Blindness (%)
Bleed Bleed (%)
Zombie Zombie (%)
Berserk Berserk (%)


AttackPhysicalPhysicalDeals damage to one target. May hit critically. May inflict Silence Silence (10%).0 MP
Hydro ClawWaterPhysicalDeals damage to one target. Has a high chance of hitting critically.10 MP
Empty ClawPhysicalPhysicalDeals damage to one target. Has a high chance of hitting critically.10 MP
Inversion: WaterThaumaMagicalDeals damage to all targets for a percentage of their maximum HP equal to their Water resistance.30 MP
TsunamiWaterMagicalDeals high damage to all targets.16 MP
BubbleWaterMagicalDeals damage to one target.6 MP
FlameFireMagicalDeals damage to one target. Only used on targets with Fire resistance below 81%.6 MP
Lightning BoltAirMagicalDeals damage to one target. Only used on targets with Air resistance below 81%.6 MP
StonesplosionEarthMagicalDeals damage to one target. Only used on targets with Earth resistance below 81%.6 MP
SilenceWaterMagicalHits one target. May inflict Silence Silence (80%).6 MP
Mega BarrierLightMagicalGives self Shield Shield (100%) and Magic Shield Magic Shield (100%). Only used while below 25% HP. Can only be used once per battle.50 MP



  • Starts battle with Auto-Haste.
  • On the first turn, the attack will be from the Beast, one of Tsunami, Inversion:Water, Hydro Claw or Empty Claw.
  • On the second turn, the attack will be from Emela, one of Bubble, Flame, Lightning Bolt, Stonesplosion or Silence.
  • Mega Barrier can be used by either character, though the animation implies it is cast by Emela.



  • The Water Guardian's steed appears to be derived from a lobster or crab (claws and shell), Tadpole (tail), some sort of fish (possibly a ray), and specifically a leafy sea dragon (head).
  • One end-battle strategy is to have Mardek Morality Block on the Water Guardian so that the Light spell Mega Barrier she can cast on herself will be nullified, and hence she cannot protect herself with Shield and Magic Shield for the rest of the battle. Of course, you won't want to use Light attacks on her while she is Morality Blocked.
  • The fight with the Water Guardian is one of the two in the game where Legion can learn Tsunami. Seeing as the other one is Karnos, the player will probably want to expend another round of Oxyale to leave the Water Temple to recruit Legion, then come back and use him in the fight. The same logic goes for the Earth Guardian and Fire Guardian, though both of their moves can be learned from the more accessible Bone Demon so there isn't quite the same level of urgency as for learning Tsunami.

Related enemies[]
