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Physical Attack Reactions are a kind of skill in MARDEK. They are triggered by successfully reacting when using a physical attack.

List of reactions[]

AP: 20
RP: 5
This reaction has a 100% chance of inflicting Paralysis.
Learned From
Learnable By See above
AP: 20
RP: 5
This reaction has a 100% chance of inflicting Poison.
Learned From
Learnable By See above
AP: 20
RP: 5
#Smite +
Adds an amount of damage based on Vehrn's SPR and level. Only Vehrn can use this skill.
Learned From
Learnable By
Formula SPR × level, where:

The solution is the additional attack damage;

  • SPR is the user's SPR; and
  • level is the user's level.
AP: 20
RP: 5
#Smite X
Multiplies damage based on Vehrn's SPR. Only Vehrn can use this skill.
Learned From Righteous Justice
Learnable By
Formula (MULT + (SPR - 10) / 16), where:

The solution is the final damage multiplier;

  • SPR is the user's SPR; and
  • MULT are other damage multipliers.
AP: 5
RP: 1
Adds an additional point of damage to your attack
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Learnable By
Notes Does not import to chapter 2.
AP: 10
RP: 1
Increases inflicted physical damage by 10%.
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Learnable By
AP: 20
RP: 3
Increases inflicted physical damage by 20%.
Learned From
Learnable By Everyone (except Meraeador) (Deugan: Chapter 2)
AP: 30
RP: 5
Increases inflicted physical damage by 30%.
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Learnable By
AP: 50
RP: 9
Increases inflicted physical damage by 50%.
Learned From
Learnable By See above
AP: 20
RP: 5
Increases the chance of a critical hit by 20%
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AP: 20
RP: 4
Increases the chance of scoring a hit by 50%.
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Learnable By Everyone
AP: 20
RP: 1
Standard Attack commands become the element of the user.
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AP: 20
RP: 3
#Quarry: BEAST
Increases damage by 50% against beasts.
Learned From
Learnable By

See above

AP: 20
RP: 5
#Quarry: DRAGON
Increases damage by 50% against dragons.
Learned From
Learnable By

See above

AP: 20
RP: 3
#Quarry: UNDEAD
Increases damage by 50% against the undead.
Learned From
Learnable By
AP: 20
RP: 2
#Quarry: HUMAN
Increases damage by 50% against humans.
Learned From Iron Axe
Learnable By
AP: 20
RP: 3
#Quarry: INSECT
Increases damage by 50% against insects.
Learned From
Learnable By
AP: 20
RP: 4
#Quarry: SPIRIT
Increases damage by 50% against spirits.
Learned From Wispstone
Learnable By Everyone
AP: 40
RP: 8
#Shield Break 10%
This reaction has a 10% chance of removing the P.Shield status.
Learned From Hammerfist
Learnable By
AP: 40
RP: 4
#Degeneration 10%
This reaction has a 10% chance of removing the Regen status.
Learned From
Learnable By Everyone
AP: 10
RP: 4
#Drain HP 10%
Drains HP equal to 10% of damage dealt.
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Learnable By Everyone
AP: 20
RP: 5
#P+Poison 20%
This reaction has a 20% chance of inflicting Poison.
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Learnable By
AP: 20
RP: 5
#P+Bleed 20%
This reaction has a 20% chance of inflicting Bleed.
Learned From Cursed Blade
Learnable By

Unobtainable reactions[]

These skills cannot be obtained, even though their data exists in-game.

AP: 40
RP: 7
Increases inflicted physical damage by 40%.
Learned From
Learnable By No one
AP: 20
RP: 6
#Drain HP 20%
Drains HP equal to 20% of damage dealt.
Learned From
Learnable By No one
AP: 30
RP: 8
#Drain HP 30%
Drains HP equal to 30% of damage dealt.
Learned From
Learnable By No one
AP: 20
RP: 5
#P+Stun 20%
This reaction has a 20% chance of inflicting Paralysis.
Learned From
Learnable By No one
AP: 20
RP: 5
#P+Sleep 20%
This reaction has a 20% chance of inflicting Sleep.
Learned From
Learnable By No one
AP: 20
RP: 5
#P+Confuse 20%
This reaction has a 20% chance of inflicting Confusion.
Learned From
Learnable By No one
AP: 20
RP: 5
#P+Blind 20%
This reaction has a 20% chance of inflicting Blindness.
Learned From
Learnable By No one
AP: 20
RP: 5
#P+Silence 20%
This reaction has a 20% chance of inflicting Silence.
Learned From
Learnable By No one
AP: 20
RP: 5
#P+Numb 20%
This reaction has a 20% chance of inflicting Numbness.
Learned From
Learnable By No one
AP: 20
RP: 5
#P+Curse 20%
This reaction has a 20% chance of inflicting a Curse.
Learned From
Learnable By No one