Medals are the MARDEK series' version of achievements, though they can only be acquired in MARDEK Chapter 3: Keystones. Jacques will award medals to Mardek for completing various tasks.
List of medals[]
New Hero[]
Ah, I never gave you a medal for saving zee world back when zee black disc attacked! 'Ere, you must 'ave zees!
Awarded for saving Belfan from Moric in Chapter II, and experiencing Mardek's childhood in Chapter I.
Ah, I see zat you 'ave gazzered quite a party zere to 'elp you, Sir Mardek! And you give each of zem zeir fair chance to prove zemselves, too! Bravo! 'Ave zis!
Awarded for training all 11 playable characters to at least level 20.
Sir Mardek, you are becoming one of zee most powerful of our Royal Knights; maybe even ZEE most powerful! I just 'ave to give you zis for your strength!
Awarded for training Mardek to at least level 30.
Clerical Assistant[]
It always pleases me when our Knights go out of zeir way to help ozzers, even when not assigned zat specific task! For your help of zee Solakian Priests in zee Sun Temple, I reward you wiz zis.
Awarded for helping the four lost priests in the Sun Temple.
Sun Badge[]
I am glad to see zat you successfully completed your mission at zee Sun Temple. 'Ere, 'ave a medal.
Awarded for completing your mission at the Sun Temple.
I zhank you for 'elping several reptoids, improving zee relations between our two species. Vell done!
Awarded for helping out the reptoids in the Sandflow Caves, improving relations between the two races.
Empath of Fey[]
I am truly proud to 'ave you as a Knight, Sir Mardek! You did what few would 'ave done. Knowing zat zee frozen fairies would grant you great benefits in combat, you willingly gave zem away so zat zey may be 'appier and free, raazer zan keeping zem for yourself. It is wiz great 'appiness zat I give you zis!
Awarded for the selfless altruism that motivated you to return the fairies to their home instead of keeping them for your own benefit.
I 'ave 'eard great sings about you from zee Curator of zee Aeropolis Museum. You saved 'is museum, 'e says; zee artefacts that you 'ave brought 'im are drawing in quite a lot of people! Zis deserves a medal!
Awarded for gifting 10 valuable artefacts to the Aeropolis museum.
Zee slums of Aeropolis are well-known for zeir crime, and avoided by most. Zat you courageously ventured in and 'elped wiz zeir problems puts zee Royal Knights of Goznor in a wonderful light, and for zis you must be rewarded!
Awarded for helping out against the crime in the Aeropolis Slums.
Yet again, you 'ave saved zee whole of Belfan from a threat zat zee rest of us would 'ave 'ad no 'ope of challenging. For zis, you are commended... and I am sure zat zee King would zhank you too, were 'e 'ere.
Awarded for saving Belfan again, this time from Qualna.
Celebrated Veteran[]
Excellent! You are truly a Knight amongst Knights, Sir Mardek! You 'ave done more zan I could ever 'ave wished of you, and zen some; it is wiz great 'onour zat I give you zis rarely-received medal!
Awarded for acquiring all of the other 39 medals.
My, my, you 'ave walked a long way in your zhourneys, Sir Mardek! I sink zee fact zat you are still walking deserves a reward in itself!
Awarded for walking 100,000 or more steps.
'Opefully zis medal will 'elp you understand why we pay you very little; zis job pays for itself!
Awarded for earning at least 1,000,000 generic gold coins in total over the course of your adventures.
You 'ave seen a lot of combat in your time, Sir Knight. I only wish it was not so, and zat we could live in a world of peace, but alas, your contributions must be rewarded nonezeeless.
Awarded for inflicting a total of at least 1,000,000 damage between all of your allies.
Sacre bleu, you've been zhrough zee wars, Sir Mardek! And yet still you stand, a testament to zee stalwartness of zee Royal Guard of Goznor!
Awarded for enduring a total of at least 1,000,000 damage from enemy attacks between all of your allies.
Zhou I 'ave shown distaste for violence in zee past, I am aware zat monsters are not living beings, and as such zee world is a better place wiz fewer of zem in it. Zis medal is for making zee world a slightly better place.
Awarded for ridding the world of at least 100 miasmal apparitions (that is, monsters).
You 'ave surely put quite an 'ole in zee miasma, Sir Mardek. Zee less monsters in zee world, zee safer we all are. Well done.
Awarded for ridding the world of at least 1000 monsters.
Millennial Warrior[]
It is good to see zat you are putting your Guard training to good use, Mardek! 'Opefully this will only continue!
Awarded for using a total of at least 1000 physical attacks, between all party members.
Millennial Mage[]
Zee force of magic is an amazing sing, and a very deadly sing. It is reassuring to know zat it is firmly on our side.
Awarded for using a total of at least 1000 magical attacks, between all party members.
Medicine Man[]
It is important for a good warrior to know when to put 'is expendable supplies to good use. Tool use is what sets us apart from zee mere beasts, after all. I am glad you understand zis.
Awarded for using a total of at least 100 items, between all party members.
You are truly doing excellent work, Sir Mardek. Your competence in combat certainly needs to be marked by a shiny beet of metal.
Awarded for winning at least 100 battles in total.
Vae Victis[]
You are quite zee battle-hardened warrior now, Sir Mardek! Battles are your life, it seems, and your record seems unlikely to be broken now. Excellent.
Awarded for winning at least 1000 battles in total.
A good Knight knows when to use 'is surroundings to aid 'im. Since we leeve in a world where apparently unopened chests full of loot scatter zee landscape, zee land truly can provide. And it 'as provided you well, it seems.
Awarded for opening 100 treasure chests.
Treasure Hunter[]
You don't miss anysing, do you, Sir Mardek? Nosing gets past you! You 'ave searched zee world for its riches and left no stone unturned. Such devotion is truly commendable!
Awarded for opening 400 treasure chests.
Ah, tres bon! You 'ave seen so much in zis world, and taken note of eet to boot! Zee world will surely benefit from your extensive research!
Awarded for filling all Encyclopaedia sections.
Astonishing Warrior[]
You slew *what*? Zee *Annhilator*?! I 'ave only heard legends of zis sing! You are truly incredible, Sir Knight!
Awarded for defeating Annihilator:Karnos in the Miasmal Citadel.
Saviour of the Manta[]
Zhough it is truly unfortunate zat zee Manta civilisation was destroyed eons ago and cannot be brought back, at least now no ozzers can suffer zeir gruesome fate. Merci, Sir Mardek. We are all in your debt. You 'ave truly earned zis small piece of shiny metal.
Awarded for defeating Annihilator:Animus in the Dreamshrine, ridding Belfan of the annihilator once and for all. Though it won't bring the Manta back, it means that no others will share their fate.
Ah, you 'ave been partaking in zee Arena challenge, I see! And you 'ave come out victorious! Bravo! Zis will surely give zee Royal Knights quite some regard. Zhough you 'ave surely already received a reward from zee Trilobites for your feat, I will also give you zis.
Awarded for beating the Champion Tournament at the Cambria Arena.
M Medal[]
Ah, Mardek, you conquered zee Survival Tournament in zee Arena alone? Well done! Your training 'as really paid off!
Awarded for finishing Mardek's Survival tournament at the Arena.
Flame Medal[]
Donovan, I always knew you would make a good Knight! It is in your blood. Zee Arena tournament was effortless for you, no?
Awarded for finishing Donovan's Survival tournament at the Arena.
Feather Medal[]
Sharla, zhough you say little, we all know zat you are as capable as zey come. Well done for your victory in zee Arena; I am sure you earned eet.
Awarded for finishing Sharla's Survival tournament at the Arena.
Dragon Medal[]
Ah, you 'ave a reptoid chieftain fighting alongside you, Mardek; truly, your charisma is beyond words! And he won at zee arena, too? Zis comes as no great surprise - reptoids are furiously strong - but I will congratulate zis nonezeeless!
Awarded for finishing Sslen'ck's Survival tournament at the Arena.
Star Medal[]
What is zis? You 'ave a... dog sing in your party? Euh, zis is most peculiar! But 'e gets a medal for 'is - or 'er? - skill at zee arena anyway. 'Ere, doggy!
Awarded for finishing Solaar's Survival tournament at the Arena.
Song Medal[]
Miss Elwyen is 'elping you out now, Mardek? You should keep your eye on 'er; she is not a trained fighter like you, and she is very young... yet I realise zat I know not what I say, for she 'as beaten zee arena tournament? Mes felicitations!
Awarded for finishing Elwyen's Survival tournament at the Arena.
Leaf Medal[]
Gloria is zee Shaman of Canonia, no? You 'ave assembled quite zee party to 'elp you, Mardek! And strong zey are, it seems! 'Ere is a medal to commemorate mademoiselle's victory at zee arena.
Awarded for finishing Gloria's Survival tournament at the Arena.
Spanner Medal[]
It is good to see zat see 'crazed inventor' 'as finally left zee safety of 'is workshop and given up 'is silly pacifist ways! I must give 'im zis medal for showing zat even zee shy can be a force to be reckoned wiz!
Awarded for finishing Meraeador's Survival tournament at the Arena.
Cog Medal[]
I 'ave little idea what zis 'Legion' sing is, but it comes to my attention zat it won at zee arena. ...'Ave a medal.
Awarded for finishing Legion's Survival tournament at the Arena.
Bear Medal[]
You 'ave 'ired a trained killer to fight alongside you? Hm... I suppose YOU are a trained killer, in a way, Sir Knight, and I did instruct you to use whatever means available to strengzen yourself. 'E won at zee arena, and shall receive zis medal.
Awarded for finishing Zach's Survival tournament at the Arena.
YALORT Medal[]
Congratulations to zee Paladin at zee arena. Zhough I cannot say I personally approve of fighting in zee name of a god, it seems to be quite effective, I must admit. 'Ave a medal, mon ami.
Awarded for finishing Vehrn's Survival tournament at the Arena.
Your party's mastery at zee arena is truly phenomenal, Mardek! Zee sum of such parts must be a force to be reckoned wiz indeed! 'Ere is a medal to show zee tremendous power of your party!
Awarded for finishing all 11 Survival tournaments, with every character.
- Vae victis is Latin for 'woe to the vanquished' or 'woe to the conquered'.
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