Figverse Wiki

Gem Switches are a part of many dungeons in the MARDEK series, first appearing in MARDEK Chapter 3: Keystones. Switches can either be turned on or off, and that allows gem gates and platforms to be activated or deactivated depending on the current setting. Gates block passages and impede player progress in the dungeon, while platforms allow the player to cross gaps and reach areas that are inaccessible otherwise.

  • When a gem switch is turned off, all gates and platforms in the game world corresponding to the switch will be deactivated.
  • When a gem switch is turned on, all gates and platforms in the game world corresponding to the switch will be activated.

Usually, either gates or platforms will appear in a dungeon, but some contain both, allowing for complex puzzles that require activating and deactivating switches to progress through the dungeon. The most prominent example of this is the Water Temple, though the Serpent's Lair also contains both gates and platforms.
