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The Guardian of the Fire Temple is a large... creature... that goes by the name of 'Girru'. It is wise and deeply devoted to its duty, but fair, and graciously steps down when bested in order to grant the victor what they rightfully earned.

Encyclopaedia description

Fire Guardian is a level 30 enemy boss in MARDEK 3 located in the Fire Temple.


Fire Guardian seems to be an orange fire-breathing canine which has a skull over his head with long horns and orange stripes on them, the torso part has fang-shaped epaulettes, with the back side open releasing a conflagration.

The front legs are orange without any yellow signs like the back legs, the paws are equipped with bones in a shape of a bandage while having long claws. The back ones are smaller than the front ones.

Also has a long tail with a burning fire on the end of it.


Main form[]


Accessory (1)none
Accessory (2)none


EVA (%)
Critical (%)

Elemental resistance

Fire Fire (%)
Water Water (%)
Air Air (%)
Earth Earth (%)
Light Light (%)
Dark Dark (%)
Aether Aether (%)
Fig Fig (%)
Physical Physical (%)
Thauma Thauma (%)

Status resistance

Poison Poison (%)
Paralysis Paralysis (%)
Numbness Numbness (%)
Silence Silence (%)
Curse Curse (%)
Confusion Confusion (%)
Sleep Sleep (%)
Blindness Blindness (%)
Bleed Bleed (%)
Zombie Zombie (%)
Berserk Berserk (%)


AttackPhysicalPhysicalDeals damage to one target. May hit critically. May inflict Numbness Numbness (10%).0 MP
Scorch ClawFirePhysicalDeals damage to one target. Lowers STR by 1-6. Has a high chance of hitting critically. Only used on targets with Fire resistance below 81%.10 MP
Empty ClawPhysicalPhysicalDeals damage to one target. Has a high chance of hitting critically.10 MP
Burn!FireMagicalDeals damage to one target. May inflict Numbness Numbness (90%).0 MP
Fire BreathFireMagicalDeals damage to one target. May inflict Numbness Numbness (5%). Only used on targets with Fire resistance below 81%10 MP
BlazeFireMagicalDeals damage to one target. Only used on targets with Fire resistance below 81%.6 MP
Mega BarrierLightMagicalGives self Shield Shield (100%) and Magic Shield Magic Shield (100%). Only used while below 25% HP. Can only be used once per battle.50 MP
Inversion: FireThaumaMagicalDeals damage to all targets for a percentage of their maximum HP equal to their Fire resistance.30 MP
Raging InfernoFireMagicalDeals high damage to all targets.16 MP
REACTION: Burn!FireMagicalDeals damage to one target. May inflict Numbness Numbness (90%). Used as a counter to physical attacks.0 MP
REACTION: Fire BreathFireMagicalDeals damage to one target. May inflict Numbness Numbness (5%). Used as a counter to physical attacks.10 MP



  • One end-battle strategy is to have Mardek Morality Block on the Fire Guardian so that the Light spell Mega Barrier it can cast on itself will be nullified, and hence it cannot protect itself with Shield and Magic Shield for the rest of the battle. Of course, you won't want to use Light attacks on it while it is Morality Blocked.


Related enemies[]
