One of the god-built Elemental Temples, which houses the Earth Crystal. It is teeming with vitality, and the air within is thick, and smells like moist plantlife.
Mardek meets Muriance, a Bandit Chief who now claims to be a treasure hunter, outside of the temple. Muriance claims that he needs to enter the temple in order to gather items for charitable purposes. However, he can't get in because he needs the other half of a runestone, which Mardek has. The Bandit Chief tricks him and ambushes him by attacking him with four bandits. Mardek and his allies enter the temple and later see Muriance lying on the floor in front of the Earth Guardian. He claims that he was mortally injured when he tried to fight it, though the Guardian says that he will only sneak past when Mardek's party fights the Guardian. Mardek challenges the Earth Guardian into a battle. Once Mardek and company defeat it, they confront Muriance and battle him for the crystal. Once Muriance is defeated, he warps out (without the crystal).
Monster formations[]
Random (Everywhere except puzzle rooms, guardian room, crystal room and secret area behind the crystal room): Note: Witchdoctors can summon Green Souls.