Figverse Wiki
For other uses, see BloodOpal.

A common but powerful gemstone that's said to be the crystallised blood of a warrior of some ancient race, slain in some horrendous bloody battle in the distant past.

In-game description

BloodOpal is an item in the MARDEK series. It can be equipped in either Accessory slot by Mardek, Deugan, Emela, Steele, Vehrn, Zach, Donovan, Sharla, Sslen'ck, Solaar, Elwyen, Gloria, Meraeador, Legion, Bartholio and Aalia.


The BloodOpal is a smooth, ovoid gemstone with a blood red hue. Its sprite is a red recolor of the Moonstone, Onyx and the Turquoise.


  • DEF: 1
  • DARK Elemental
  • Resist Bleed (50%)
  • Gemsplosion POW: 30
  • Gemsplosion: Drain HP
Skills Drain HP 10%
As ingredient Blood Sword


In chest Sandflow Caves (south)
As drop
In shop Aeropolis Armour Shop pedlar (Market Street) (x1)